Shanghai Demand Chemical Co.,ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Ethylene Glycol Dimethyl Ether
CAS No: 110-71-4
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Others
Product spec: 99%
Post Time: 2010-06-12
Description: Item EDM Appearance Colorless and transparent liquid Purity ≥%(GC)Industry Grade 99.0 Purity ≥%(GC)Electronic Grade 99.9 Distillation Range (760mmHg°c) 83.5-86.0 Water Content ≤(K-F) 0.10 Acidity ≤(HAC) 0.01 Specific Gravity %(d420) 0.8683±0.005 Color ≤(Pt-Co) 10
Recipient: Nino Cheow Company: Shanghai Demand Chemical Co.,ltd
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